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Keto 360 Blueprint paperback book
Keto 360 Blueprint paperback book
Must have Paperback Book to start your Healthy Keto program..
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Keto360 Blueprint

Perform at your best and start taking control of your weight in as little as 30 days!

You’re about to discover a revolutionary new approach to diet, supplementation and exercise. An approach that’s so powerful it can “flip the switch” inside you, turning you from a sugar burner to a fat burner. What you’re really going to love about this approach to diet and exercise is that it is easy to follow, has delicious foods (with recipes!), includes supplements designed to maximize your results on the ketogenic diet, and contains the macronutrient makeup of the ketogenic diet that is so popular these days.

In fact, if you follow the plan as Dr. Axe has laid it out, you’ll not only have the tools to get you started, but also has insight on how to manage plateaus and to learn about “The Forever Phase.”

Everything is laid out in an organized, actionable way that’s easy to understand so you can jump in and get started right away.


This physical book walks you through the 3 core phases of the Keto360 program from start to finish including:

  • The Feast Phase is designed to prepare your body
  • The Fire Phase is where you start to see the transformation
  • The Forever Phase to help you maintain your experience


The Feast Phase is just that — your opportunity to really feast/load up on your favorite foods for three full days. (Of course, there are guidelines during this phase, but it’s still a time to load up!)

Completing the Feast Phase correctly is important to your success, as it helps minimize cravings and avoid feelings of hunger when you transition to the Fire Phase.


In the Fire Phase, also known as the fat-burning phase, you will be consuming only foods and supplements from the Fire Phase section in the Keto360 Shopping List, including the equivalent of 6–12 tablespoons of approved fats/oils each day. During this phase, you will experience more energy and less desire for more food — a win-win!


This final phase is known as the Forever (or Lifestyle) Phase, where you are coached on how to maintain your results in a long-term sustainable way.

In each phase of the program, we teach you which foods to eat and which to avoid to get in and STAY IN ketosis. I've included everything you need to start burning fat for fuel...and MORE!

NOTE: This blueprint and program are not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice and treatment from your personal physician. Readers and participants are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither the author nor the publisher takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this book. All readers, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition or supplement program.

How to Use
  • A straight forward, easy to read, book that is so easy to understand the Keto way of eating! And Dr.Axe has done the research so you don't have too. This is a Organic Healthy way of eating not a fad way of eating..

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