Krill Ultra-Powered by Superbaboost provides high quality Krill oil which pure, natural source of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipds (with choline) and astaxanthin. It is the combination of these nutrients that distinguishes krill oil from other source of EPA and DHA such as fish oil.
The phospholipid form of the omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to facilitate the absorption of these important fatty acids into tissues much more effectively than the triglyceride and ethyl-ester forms found in fish oils. In addition, there are healthy benefits associated with the phospolipids and choline in krill oil which are not present in fish oil. Astaxanthin contained in Krill Ultra powered by Superbaboost capsules is a highly potent antioxidant and helps keep the omega-3 fatty acids stable. Astaxanthin provides protection from free radical attack and has been shown to normalize oxidative stress in certain populations. Astaxanthin has many benefits including support of heart, eyes, joints and prostate.
The Krill Ultra is sustainably sourced and processed immediately after harvesting which maintains the beneficial nutrients. This way helps ensure top quality krill oil by delivering the krill to tanks on the boat alive (unlike most other manufactures) This allows for fresh processing of delicate krill. Since krill is at the bottom of the food chain krill oil does not accumulate dangerous levels of environmental toxins such as PCBs, mercury, radioactive substances and toxic heavy metals that can be found in fish oils. Krill Oil is extracted from Antartic kril Euphausia superba that has cell membrane building blocks: highly unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) bound to a phospholipid back bone.
Another reason krill oil is becoming popular is because it contains an antioxidant called astaxanthin. The algae that krill eat produces the bright red pigment astaxanthin that gives krill and other crustaceans such as lobster and shrimp their reddish-pink color. Antioxidants protect our body cells from damage from free radicals, unstable substances that are thought to contribute to certain chronic diseases. Unlike many other antioxidants, astaxanthin crosses the blood-brain barrier, where it could theoretically protect the eye, brain and central nervous system from free radical damage. Krill are a creature from the Deep called Krill and are at the bottom of the food chain. They may be faster and stronger than other sources of omega-3's. Fish don't make omega-3 they eat omega-3 one of them they eat is krill besides plantain, algae. Krill Oil form seems to get the Omega-3 fatty acids through the blood vessels & get into the cells faster. Faster a delivery system for Omega-3. And we think it might be stronger. Krill is one step up from the omega's-3's. Reduce the chance of heart disease.
Krill cleans out the Bad Cholesterol also the amount of plaque you might have. A recent study showed that Krill oil of 1,000 mg has the same effect of 3,000 mg of fish oil. They have have found it works faster and stronger Plus No fishy taste..
SIZE: 60 Softgels
Our Supplement is NSF/GMP Certified facility
People taking blood thinners (anticoagulant or anti-platelet medication), such as aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin), heparin, clopidogrel (Plavix), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), naproxen (Naprosyn, Aleve) should only use krill oil under a physician's supervision. People with allergies to seafood shouldn't use krill oil. People with bleeding disorders shouldn't use krill oil unless under the supervision of a qualified health professional. Side effects of krill oil may include loose stools, diarrhea or indigestion. Krill oil should also be used with caution by people taking herbs and supplements that are thought to increase the risk of bleeding, such as ginkgo biloba and garlic.
ECO-HARVESTINGSuperba™ is a trademark of Aker BioMarine, a Norwegian company. Aker BioMarine uses patented Eco‐Harvesting technology and sound environmental practices to produce krill oil from fresh raw krill. Traditional trawling is unsuitable for krill harvesting. The Antarctic krill holds very potent digestive enzymes, and it basically self-destructs before it can be processed. With Eco-Harvesting the equipment stays under water while a continuous stream of water flows through the hose, bringing the fresh, live krill directly onto the factory vessel. The krill are processed directly onboard the floating Life Science Factory, thus bioactive components are retained.
Krill Oil Benefits: Heart HealthIt’s been proven in multiple studies that Krill Oil can improve your heart by reducing inflammation. This is important because millions of people die each year of heart related issues. Easier PMSBeing a woman has a lot of benefits but your period isn’t one of them. A recent study found that women taking Krill Oil took less pain killers during PMS and had far less emotional issues. Less InflammationA study was published in the American Journal of Nutrition that found in patients that had mild to severe cases of inflammation krill oil reduced pain by 28.9%, stiffness by 20.3% and functional impairment by 22.8%. Brain functionThe DHA and EPA you see on almost all Krill Oil bottles is essential to your brain according to doctors and scientists. A study found that without these your brain starts to deteriorate. Not to mention that those with attention issues have been known to focus better while on Krill Oil. Healthy-agingSometimes it feels like we are at war with our bodies when it comes to aging. Help win the war with Krill Oil. A study on aging that tested the affects of krill oil found that women reported a 60% reduction in wrinkles and fine lines and a 50% improvement in energy, stamina, mental alertness and concentration.
