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Phase 2.5 by Professional Health products
Phase 2.5 Complete Detox by Professional Health products
2 Phase Detox this is the first phase to take
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2 Step Detox Program.

1st Phase is the 2.5 complete Detox.then you need 2nd Phase 3.0 Complete to complete the program.

Phase 2.5 Bile Support is the body’s natural system for removal of toxins; it is involved in various important physiological processes such as cholesterol & blood glucose metabolism, thyroid hormone physiology and lipid & fat-soluble vitamin absorption. This product contains:

  • Artichoke as ALTILIX™ is able to counteract the higher fat accumulation in the hepatocyte cell line induced by free fatty acid (FFA). The mechanisms involved are designed to modulate the expression of PPAR-γ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor) involved in lipogenesi; to inhibit FAS activity (Fatty acid synthase) in hepatocyte cell.
  • Conjugation factors – glycine and taurine
  • Phosphatidylcholine to support bile fluidity
One of the necessary ways our body maintains good health is through proper detoxification. This is the process where toxins, such as heavy metals, pesticides, plastics and other harmful substances undergo transformation through Phase 2.5 and Phase 3.0 Detoxification in the liver. The majority of these toxins are then excreted into the bile, traveling from the liver to the gallbladder and then into the intestines. The movement of conjugated toxins into the bile, coupled with the movement of the bile salts and phosphatidylcholine is referred to as Phase 2.5 Detoxification.Often times the process of Phase 2.5 Detoxification is not functioning properly due to inflammation, endotoxins from pathogenic intestinal flora, and hormone imbalances. Toxins will then be forced to be excreted back into the blood where they may cause further damage and increase stress on the kidneys. Phase 2.5 complete detox delivers powerful hepatoprotective & antioxidant nutrients that increase bile production and bile flow, increase phosphatidylcholine (the compound responsible for maintaining bile viscosity) and provide raw materials for proper bile salt conjugation.

Artichoke (Cynara scolymus)
Extremely safe, well -studied nutrient that has antioxidant, choleretic, hepatoprotective, bile-enhancing and lipid-lowering effects.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officianale)
Hepatic antioxidant that stimulates the production of bile and enhances bile flow into the intestine.

Choline Bitartrate
Proper amounts of choline are needed to produce phosphatidylcholine; the nutrient needed to maintain proper bile viscosity. Exogenous oral choline administration has been shown to increase phosphatidylcholine and membrane phospholipid synthesis.

Organic compound that functions in the conjugation of bile aids. It also has antioxidative and membrane stabilization effects.


Essential amino acid that functions in the conjugation of bile acids and has been scientifically shown to increase portal blood flow, bile production, hepatic microcirculation and maintain cytochrome oxidase activity under conditions of hepatic injury.

SIZE: 120 Veggie Capsules

How to Use
  • If using this product by itself Take 4-6 caps 60 minutes after Dinner.

    If Detoxing then:
    Take 4-6 caps 60 minutes after Dinner followed by 4-6 caps of Phase 3 complete detox (6omin later),
    *1-3 caps can also be taken with meals as needed.

    You can use the product by itself for maintenance.

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Customer Reviews: Customer  Reviews: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review.

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 2.5 Detox June 9, 2021
Reviewer: Diane Boese from Duluth, MN United States  
Great product for liver detox. Have been using this product periodically along w/ 3.0 for the past few years & has been a major factor w/ my gut health.

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