Renewed™ DHEA Vaginal Suppositories are the only 100% natural products to provide vaginal moisture and lubrication for continuous relief. ReNewed™ contains an unique formula of
DHEA in a soothing base of Cocoa Butter, Beeswax, Vitamin E and organic oils
of: Calendula, Frankincense and Lavender. When used regularly ReNewed™ DHEA Vaginal Suppositories
help to replenish a woman’s natural moisture for days at a time. It enhances
the ease and comfort of intimate activity in the mature woman.
Free of hormones, parabens,
preservatives, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides and pathogens.
Safe for use with condoms and safe for use before intimate activities. The formula works to provide a localized effect on the dry and sensitive vaginal tissues.

Ingredients: Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E and Beeswax, Organic oils of: Calendula, Frankincense and Lavender and 6.5mg DHEA Authorized Distributors
SIZE: 1 Tray contains 15 Bullet shaped
Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if pregnant. If you suffer from a Urinary Tract Infection or Yeast Infection, do not use ReNewed™ until the infection is gone. Itching and burning may be experienced if suffering from an underlying vaginal infection. Contact your Physician
If experiencing severe dryness, you may notice it is uncomfortable the first few times after insertion. This feeling will subside as your natural moisture is replenished.
